As we approach the holidays I cannot forget the image from last year of a husband and wife dumping handfuls of cellophane wrapped cat toys into their grocery cart. Sure the toys were cute fishes and mice made of tinsel and lame fabric but realistic for a cat to play with through the winter they were not.
The cat cannot tell the difference between a felt mouse and a felt fish so let's forget about buying toys that we recognize. Felt toys or any toy made of non-woven fabric is going to fray and become tattered almost instantly during play. Also, stuffed toys are stuffed with fiberfill material which the cat can inhale or ingest. It is just cheaper to fill the toy with "plumping" than to fill it with catnip.
An easy way to make toys that kitty will enjoy is to cut strips of cotton fabric from old shirts, pillow cases, or curtains.......any cotton fabric cut in one inch wide strips will do as long as the strips are at least 8 inches long.
Take individual fresh (not dry) catnip leaves and lay them next to each other to cover a strip of fabric. Roll the fabric, like a jelly roll with the leaves inside. Make as many of the rolls as it takes to fill a small cloth pocket. The pockets from shirts, skirts or even purses are easy to snip out.
Once the pocket is filled sew it closed. The toy is ready for kitty. Rolling the catnip releases the oils into the fabric so the herb will dry quickly and not mildew. is a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation whose mission is to establish cats as family members too valuable to abandon. is currently fund raising to produce a video for public access stations to air on the death sentence that abandoned cats face from urban coyotes. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Donations are accepted by the PayPal link below or by mail to, P.O. Box 2132, Gresham Oregon 97030. For information:
About Me
- Portland, Gresham, Oregon
- is a public benefit nonprofit that takes a broad view toward cat abandonment. Most people know cat abandonment as someone moving away and leaving the cat behind or not spaying a "mom" and dumping her and the kittens along the slough. considers cat abandonment to include putting money into a vacation rather than a life saving veterinary procedure or going out with human friends but not finding the time for interactive play with kitty. We believe that all cats deserve the same attention as the most loved human child. They deserve to live in an environment that is free from toxic synthetic chemicals. They need wholesome natural food free from fillers. They need to be understood and respected as individuals.